Benefits Of Outdoor Rock Climbing
If you are looking for an adventurous outdoor activity that will not bore you as you do it, then you should consider outdoor rock climbing. Rock climbing is a sure way of getting that adrenaline rush you need while reaping the benefits of working all of your muscles. Rock climbing helps to get in shape among other benefits.
To put it simply, rock climbing is all about climbing a sheer or steep cliff side. Experienced rock climbers often climb rocks that are completely vertical while using some safety equipment which includes ropes and harnesses. You will also find extreme climbers who do not use safety apparatus in what is referred to as free climbing. The following are some of the benefits of rock climbing.
An increase in grip strength is one of the main benefits of rock climbing. Rock climbing essentially involves gripping onto different sizes and shapes of rocks so that you can pull yourself up and progress to the next stage on the cliff. You also need the same grip when you need to lower yourself down. One of the crucial components of rock climbing is the mastery and use of a good grip. Failure to have a good grip may lead to accidents and that goes to say that even as you anticipate to improve your grip while you climb, you still need to be extra careful. Enough practice on rock climbing leads to improvement in your grip.
Muscle strengthening is the other benefit of muscle strengthening. Some kind of exercise is targeted at the leg muscles while others aim to improve your legs and a few other forms of exercises target all the muscles at once. Rock climbing is one of those rare exercises which target all the muscles in the body. Rock climbers in most cases have a lower body mass index which means they have a higher concentration of muscles as compared to body fat.
Keep in mind that rock climbing entails the use of your arms both on the upper and lower parts and at the same time use shoulders and hands as they pull themselves up. To support the upper body, the rock climber needs to have strong core and back muscles. The same muscles are also needed to stay balanced on the rocks. Rock climbing is a physically demanding sport that demands the use of all your muscles to hold and lift the body up for all those hours on the rock. When you do this enough times, you can be certain that your muscles will grow bigger and stronger and your physical performance will dramatically increase.
The other benefit of rock climbing is an increase in flexibility. Rock climbing is a truly demanding type of exercise and that includes the need to be flexible enough to push yourself to the limit and beyond the point of comfort. If you want to get that great foothold, you might want to stretch your legs so that you can be safe and get to your next gripping rock which may be several feet above the ground and this dramatically increases your flexibility.