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Learn Methods of Cleaning Up The Environment

There is constant increase in the planet’s population. From these population growth there are negative effects the main one being pollution. This is the process of contaminating the surroundings hence making them unsafe for habitual existence.

Chemical substances contribute to contaminaton but this is not limited to substantial effects. Pollution can also be from heat, noise pollution or from light.
Pollution effects are disastrous. Statistics have proven that one death out of seven deaths is from pollution. Pollution is also known to kill about 60{678e860159cefe78a2408c44da3afa9593c6e3eea9401683ee65afd01d6bb587} populants as compared to tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and malaria combined. As a result of these, it is vital to learn the different kinds of pollution and how it affects human being and the environment too.

The most pivotal concern in today’s world is water pollution. With the increase in population, this translates to more garbage and more trash. These rubbish dumps start decomposing and the residual toxic wastes seeps through the soil and ends up in oceans and rivers. Furthermore, huge chunks of garbage gets thrown directly in the rivers or the oceans. Actually there are special islands that are purposely for garbage in oceans.

Although the development in technology provides many approaches on how to utilize garbage, several third world countries do not have the mechanisms to use such innovative technology. This means that pollution the main cause of deaths in low-income and under-developed countries. However, water can be contaminated from other means not necessarily because of regular utilization of garbage. Mills, factories and plants are key in polluting water. The water used to process materials from these industries is discharged into rivers and seas in the neighborhood. You will find rivers that humans have been banned from using because of the critical levels of contamination.
Now to clean the environment we can start with street cleaning which is run by public works department in cities and town. If it is proper function, even local businesses assist to streamline the process and regularly consults with the communities. Street cleaning is carried out for hours and it is quite necessary in modern cities.

Environmental cleaning is a manual task and has significant labor costs. With privatization, commercial areas and streets can achieve satisfactory cleanliness. This kind of cleaning is basically a city’s housekeeping and meant to ensure that everybody has pure food, air, water and are safe from contagious diseases. Environmental cleaning is a vital element and is offered through machinery such as flushers and street sweepers with paved alleys being cleaned more often and streets cleaned at least five times every year.

Cleaning the environment should be enforced and when litter builds up, there should be a reaction since it quickly builds up. In case the water flowing from streams and rivers is not clean, you cannot claim that a municipal has kept the environment clean. If we have to determine how to keep the environment free from river pollution, we would start by removing all sewage, treating it and discharging it back to the river.

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