The development is too small to support any recent sales (sales within 1 year). The surrounding area offers older homes located on much larger lot sizes. All of the homes in the immediate area offer one story, newer homes located on smaller lot sizes or older homes that offered larger lot sizes. In other words, there are no real comparable properties to the subject.
Exclusive listing. You never know when your property might just be in-demand. And if you are not knowledgeable about how the market works, you may sign a document ensuring commission to a Real Estate Agent, only to find out youve signed an agreement giving him or her exclusive rights to find buyers. Of course now you wont be able to look for other buyers. By selling to reputable businesses, you wont encounter these scenarios. You wont be forced into giving up your property if you feel in any way uncomfortable about the deal.
Old Rule: As a real estate agent you have exclusive access to the list where your prospect will find the home of their dreams. Your sellers rely on you to put their house on this list of dreams.
Short sales are a part of the real estate business right now and into the foreseeable future. You can either profit from them or you can ignore them and watch your business dwindle.
Again, Craigslist to the rescue. Though it turned out there was only one furnished apartment listing in the location and category I needed, it was a winner. I sealed the deal in a New york minute, and was ready to assume my new life in a new city.
Another thing to consider is that many of the homes in Dana Point are covered under the umbrella of a homeowners association. A homeowners association will have monthly homeowners association dues with regulations that must be followed when living in the community. If you are thinking about buying a home in Dana Point please consult with your Dana Point Realtor to see what the monthly HOA fees will be. If you are buying a home in a newer development there may also be a mello roos tax in addition to the homeowners association dues. Make sure to consult with your Dana real estate point agent on these items.
I’m just calling to see if property leasing is of interest to you with your business. Some local businesses are looking to move given the competitive rents out there now. Is leasing something that can help you this year?