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Importance Of Backflow Testing And Prevention

One of the greatest advancements in our history was the development of running water systems. The idea of running water is believed to have originated from the Romans thousands of years ago. They had a system that supplied running water throughout their cities. Some of those systems are still in existence and constitute the earliest plumbing systems humanity has. In these modern times, we have professionally designed plumbing and sewage systems that serve both commercial and residential premises with fresh water. We can thus safely drink, bath, and clean with the water supplied.

The modern plumbing systems tend to come with certain challenges, despite the advancements. They depend on pressure to keep the water moving into different places, unlike the earlier systems that relied on gravity. While pressure is the more efficient option, it presents the problem of backflow.

Backflow is a situation in which water reverses flow in the plumbing pipes. Water in a plumbing system is meant to move in one direction. It, however, can flow in the other direction in case there is a change in pressure. In such a situation, there are some considerable health and safety risks. There, for one, can be contamination from the dirty bath and wastewater mixing with the drinking water. There have been deaths where people have unknowingly taken such water.

There are backflow prevention devices you can use to ensure that such incidents do not occur in your home. Backflow prevention devices are usually installed at different junctures in a plumbing system. They will see to it that there are no pressure fluctuations to prevent backflows so that your family or your employees remain safe. There are several kinds of backflow prevention devices and setups which control flow direction while preventing backflow. There is the Pressure Vacuum Breaker. It happens to be the most common device for preventing backflow. It is easy to install and maintain. They are better for outdoor use since they can eject water from time to time. There is also the Double Check Valve. It is usable in indoor and outdoor settings. They are pricier than the former option but serve up more convenience. You can have it installed horizontally or vertically. You can also go for the Reduced Pressure Zone Assembly, which is the priciest. It is the most reliable device you can get. It can be used where there are landscaping chemicals, which is why it is applied in irrigation systems.

When constructing a new house, you are expected to have the backflow preventers installed as well. Older houses may not have fallen under such regulations, but times have changed, and so have the rules. You need to consult with the professionals during such an installation, to know which one fits your needs the best. They will assess the structure for possible backflow scenarios and make their recommendations.

Apart from the initial inspection and installation, there is also a need for annual backflow inspections. The rules dictate that the ongoing dangers people face from contaminated water make it necessary for those annual inspections. They are the best way to know if your plumbing system has developed any changes sufficient to cause such a dangerous state. You need to consult the experts for such services.

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