Here is How Job Safety Analysis Plays a Part in Risk Management Process
If you are working in a construction site or a heavy industry project getting injured is inherent. It is hard to prevent risk completely however it is possible to control or reduce the risk through good work practices and standard procedures.
Every day, there is a risk in anything that we do. Risk is decided by how exposed we are to it, the severity of the result and the probability of a mishap. Everyday we decide to accept risk.
In any organization, risk acceptance has been forced down all working levels. The management of any organization is expected to control risk. The job safety analysis is a tool that the management can use to understand risk and maintain it at a bearable level.
In low management level in any organization, controlling risk is done by the staff themselves and their supervisors. All parties to do a job should be involved from the planning to the execution of the same as well as update them of anything that could cause risks and how to handle it.
Workers spot hazards easily but they don’t tell. Some workers will already be knowing of a hazard that has existed for a long time. Some would say they thought it was normal, others thought it was acceptable. Here, it is important to get employees involved in reducing risks. This can be done by creating a standard tolerance risk level for all team members. In every job, supervisory staff and employee decisions and judgments are important in local hazard communication and work area risk assessment. Workers should understand the nature of work well, the health and safety hazards and the environment to be able to decide on how best hazards can be controlled. Because workers perceive tolerance risk levels and risks differently it makes communication of any risks complicated.
One important part of the risk management process is job safety analysis. This job safety analysis tool is used in reducing risks to acceptable levels by workers so that they can establish a common understanding of the job, the procedures and hazards to look out for in the completion of the job. Although the tool is available, it is another matter to use it and achieve great benefits. The manner in which people perceive the JSA tool has a great impact on the quality of information and the contribution by workers involved.
Management of risks is an aspect needing communication between all stakeholders working to finish a task. This is inclusive of passing information from contractor to contractor that is important in risk assessment as well as communication with all crew members. The target should be complete the job without any injuries, within the set budget and on time.